How to Know If You Have A Parasite And What to Do About It (The Complete Guide)

Knowing if you have a parasite is very important because it can affect the quality of your life by making you feel fatigued, uncomfortable, or just downright ill. The great news is that parasites are easy to eliminate from your body…but only after you know what they are and how to find them! Many parasites’ “look-alike” diseases are misdiagnosed as other maladies for years, but once you can recognize them for what they are…elimination is just around the corner.
Knowing if you have a parasite is very important because it can affect the quality of your life by making you feel fatigued, uncomfortable, or just downright ill. The great news is that parasites are easy to eliminate from your body…but only after you know what they are and how to find them!
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Many parasites’ “look-alike” diseases are misdiagnosed as other maladies for years, but once you can recognize them for what they are…elimination is just around the corner.

What Is A Parasite?

Parasites are opportunistic organisms that feed off of other living beings, mainly humans. They can take many forms, from bacteria to worms to fungi and yeasts, but they all have one thing in common: a desire to enter your body by any means necessary and a love for the taste of human blood or flesh! This is why it is so important to try to prevent parasites from entering your body by avoiding food poisoning and contaminated drinking water.

Once a parasite enters your body it may travel anywhere from the surface of your skin, through your intestinal tract (the most common), into your heart or respiratory system, depending on what kind you have. This will not only cause various levels of discomfort but could also lead to serious medical conditions such as heart problems, respiratory issues, and even anemia if your parasitic infection is severe.

What are the Signs of having A Parasite?

A parasite is a living organism that feeds off other organisms, and as such it could cause you to feel that something just isn’t right in your body. Some of the most common symptoms that someone may have a parasitic infection include:

• Chronic fatigue, which doesn’t seem to improve with sleep

• Diarrhea or constipation, especially accompanied by lower abdominal pain

• Thirst issues/ constant need for hydration

• Muscle and joint aches and pains, often reaching down into the small joints of arms and legs (fingers and toes)

• Irritability, anxiety, unable to concentrate on anything for longer than 30 minutes at a time.

• Foggy thinking – difficulty concentrating, focusing, processing information quickly or memory problems

• Indigestion, gas, bloating; belching; intestinal cramping or pain (especially after meals)

• Skin rashes or itching (particularly at night)

• Weight changes – common if your GI tract is infested

Types of Parasites

There are many different types of parasites that can infest the bodies of humans. Some of the more common ones include:

Tapeworms – As their name suggests, tapeworms live in your intestines and can grow to be 20 feet long! They enter through undercooked meat and sit in your intestines for years before you even notice they’re there. Luckily tapeworms aren’t known to cause any health issues, and most people don’t even know they have them until their doctor tells them.

Pinworms – As you might guess from the name, pinworms live and lay eggs in your intestines and sometimes in your rectum. They can hatch and cause itching around the anus area (most common in children) which may lead to sleepless nights if it’s intense itchiness. The good news is that this type of parasite is completely curable with over-the-counter pills such as Vermox™.

Giardia – This is a very common parasitic infection that causes intense diarrhea, often accompanied by gas and bloating, and occasionally fever or weight loss. It’s easily transmitted through food or drink that has been contaminated by feces and is more common in areas with less-than-adequate water treatment systems.

Whipworms – Whipworms usually travel through the small intestine where they attach themselves to the intestinal wall and feed off of your bloodstream. They are most common in young children who have immature immune systems but may affect people of all ages. Many times there are no symptoms unless you happen to notice whipworm eggs after passing bowel movements or examining toilet tissue after using the restroom.

Hookworms – Hookworms enter your body when you come into contact with contaminated soil by walking barefoot on it for example, or if you consume food that has been in contact with soil that has hookworm larvae present. Once inside your body, these parasites will travel throughout the small intestine and feed off of your bloodstream. Again, many people don’t even know they have hookworms until their doctor tells them.

As you can see, there are several different parasites that may be infesting your body at this very moment! Take a look around the next time you’re in a public restroom – do you see evidence of pinworm eggs on the toilet paper? Look under the rim of the toilet bowl, do you notice tiny white or black specs floating in the water? Perhaps it is whipworm ova causing those specks to appear – we all have countless types of parasitic infections living inside our bodies right now and most of us never consider it as a possibility!

How do I Get Rid of A Parasite Naturally?

Getting rid of parasitic infection can be quite difficult, especially if you don’t know what type of parasite you might have. It’s best to work with a healthcare provider that is familiar with parasites and knows which medications to prescribe for your particular case. Here are some common ways people try to treat parasitic infections naturally:

Candida diets – This may actually worsen symptoms and prevent recovery in some cases because it causes the body to become severely deficient in enzymes and probiotics (the good bacteria inside your intestines).

Diatomaceous earth – This harmless-looking white powder is made from crushed up skeletons of tiny sea creatures called diatoms. It’s been claimed by many natural health gurus such as Dr. Axe™ that it works by drying out parasites so they lose their hydration and die. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to know if this is actually effective or not since no studies have been done on humans using DE for this purpose.

Oil of oregano – This highly concentrated essential oil is extracted from the leaves of an herb called oregano. It’s very strong and has powerful antimicrobial properties, but there are no studies that show it can effectively kill parasitic infections in human beings.

Water fasts – This means you only drink water during the day, nothing else! Not even herbal tea, coffee, or other beverages with caffeine… just plain water! Done for a short period of time (a few days), this may help reduce symptoms caused by a parasitic infection but may actually worsen them by depleting the body of much-needed nutrients.

Prescription medications – Many drugs such as ivermectin or albendazole are used for this purpose and work quite well if you know which type of parasite you have. Side effects can range from mild to severe so it’s best to work with a professional who knows what they are doing!

How can You Prevent Infection with Parasites??

Preventing parasitic infection should be a top priority if you want to enjoy optimal health, good digestion, and vibrant energy levels! Here are some easy tips to help prevent parasites from infesting your body:

Eat fermented foods – Fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi provide natural probiotics that keep the intestinal lining healthy and strong. A healthy gut prevents parasitic infection by making it difficult for parasites to enter and infect your bloodstream. Avoid surface water when possible- Parasites build up in stagnant water where they lay their eggs so avoiding swimming in lakes, rivers, or other waterways is a good idea. Also, avoid walking barefoot outside if the ground looks unsanitary or has debris such as fallen leaves or branches. Make sure all produce is washed thoroughly- Do not eat any fruit or vegetables unless you know for a fact they have been cleaned well. Try to buy organic as much as possible because this means the food has not been sprayed with pesticides which also makes them unsafe for human consumption.

Be aware of “traveler’s diarrhea” – This isn’t actually an illness, but something that anyone who travels outside their normal area should be aware of. If you’re visiting a new country where there are different types of bugs and parasites in the water, then chances are you’ll get sick from time to time! The best way to prevent this from happening is to drink bottled water when brushing your teeth and avoid ice cubes at restaurants – if they use tap water for this, then it can become contaminated. Avoid eating raw meat if you do not know the correct way to handle, prepare, and cook it! This is because parasites are often found in undercooked or raw meats so make sure everything is fully cooked before eating.

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