Decreased Vehicle Emissions Connected With Significant Reduction in Deaths Attributable to Air Pollution

A recent study conducted by the Harvard school of public health reported that decreasing vehicle emissions reduced the rate of air pollution. The study further revealed that the policy, which began in 2008, reduced the number of deaths related to air pollution.

The approach, in return, also reduced the number of dollars utilized in controlling air pollution in the U.S. Various vehicles emit smoke at a high rate which increases the rate of air pollution. These vehicles include pickup trucks and SUVs.

The study authors also reported that trucks had reduced their contribution to air pollution than passenger vehicles. Various studies have published material about the connection between health and climate change. However, the studies failed to focus on the impact the reduction of vehicle emissions has on climate change. 

How researchers conducted the study

The study authors focused on the data of the recent publication of national emissions. The authors then created four situations representing the emission rates in 2008, 2011, 2014, and 2017. 

In 2017, the authors focused on the data recorded for actual emissions. However, they also created three-level emissions similar to those in 2008, 2011, and 2014. 

The authors also factored in the type of vehicle being used and the number of miles the car traveled. Other factors they considered include mortality rates, trends, and demographics, among others. 

The authors also estimated various factors such as the death rate of air pollution in the years chosen and its reduction rate. Moreover, they revealed that the authorities involved in reducing the rate of air pollution focused on reducing the emissions in trucks. However, they neglected the amount emitted by smaller vehicles such as SUVs. 

Small vehicles caused the most pollution 

The findings revealed that the smaller vehicles were the most significant contributors to pollution in 2017, equivalent to 30% of the emissions in urban areas.

The authors predict that the number of emissions in urban areas may get out of control which would make it harmful to the country. If the emissions become dangerous, it would be difficult for authorities in public health to control the situation or come up with a quick solution.

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