A Recent Study Reveals That Grief Over Death of Animal Companions Is Serious

The University of Alberta conducted research that revealed that grieving over pets requires recognition. The study focused on older women living alone and above 55 years. Additionally, the women had recently lost a companion animal but were cautious of who they revealed the information to.

One of the leading authors and a professor at the University, Cary Brown, stated that the women were afraid to share their experience with random people for fear of being ridiculed or handed a dismissive answer.

The study author further revealed that grief should be treated as a concern for older women who reside alone. Brown insisted that the grief be treated similarly to the loss of a related person is.

How researchers conducted the study 

The study was conducted by individuals from the University of Alberta’s nursing faculty. The authors focused on older women that resided with their pets for at least 13 years.

Some of the Respondents had gone through the experience of putting down their companion for one reason or another. The researchers quizzed the women on their grieving process and how long it took to find peace.

Societal factors impacted the women 

The study authors revealed that the women were already affected by various societal plights such as declining health and fewer social circles, among others. These factors, combined with the loss of a companion, might lead to depression for the respondents.

The study also revealed that the loss of the companion might be a contributing factor to the Respondent’s health status.

The study investigated the connection between the grieving for animals and the risk of health decline in the elderly group. Several of the Respondents admitted that the grief from their loss ran from weeks and some extended to months. The respondents admitted to feeling ashamed to share their feelings of grief due to fear of not being understood by their close ones.

Brown also stated that the grief that accompanies the loss of a loved one should treat as the same as the loss that a companion animal can yield to its owner. He added that the fear of being misunderstood and dismissed by the elderly prohibits them from grieving correctly.

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