Trump’s Middle East Peace Proposal To Give Palestinians Partial Autonomy In The West Bank

US President Donald Trump has indicated that he will release the long-awaited Middle East peace deal. The deal proposes a range of measures that include redrawing of the Israeli-Palestinian border on the West Bank that will give Palestinians conditional statehood if they meet certain conditions.

Israeli leaders agree to Trump’s peace deal

Trump outlined his proposed Middle East peace deal in a meeting with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and his challenger Benny Grantz in a closed-door meeting on Monday. There was no Palestinian present in the meeting where details of the proposal were shared.

According to sources familiar with the matter, the proposal puts some form of Israeli control over the West Bank, but it will offer Palestinians some autonomy in the region and East Jerusalem. The redrawn border will incorporate most of the Jewish settlements into Israel while the country will maintain security in the region it annexed in 1967.

However, the condition for Palestinian leadership is a commitment to non-violence before taking other steps to negotiate more control. Therefore Palestinians will have a state if they meet the political and security criteria. Nevertheless, this conditional sovereignty falls short of the longstanding demands of Palestinians for full autonomy.

Trump affirmed the need to support the Palestinians but also seemed to confirm that the proposal was favorable to its ally Israel. He confirmed that Netanyahu and his political opponent has agreed to the plan.

The new proposition includes previously contentious issues

The 50-page peace deal prepared by Trump’s adviser Jared Kushner will likely include propositions of addressing other issues that previously scuttled peace negations. This includes control over holy sites in Jerusalem and competing for land claims. According to a source familiar to the matter, the Palestinians have a lot of goodies in store despite that not being what they have advocated for over the years. They are close to having a state if certain conditions are met.

The Kushner proposal allows Palestinians to get part of what they have been negotiating for instead of getting nothing without a peace deal.

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