Nintendo Mobile Games Cross The $1 Billion Mark

A new report from SensorTower has shown the major financial step made recently by Nintendo. The company has crossed the $1 billion line in terms of revenue, and this is coming from its mobile games. These games are played on iOS and Android, and the Fire Emblem Heroes have been identified as the one that has led to this massive success. It is worth noting that these characters are free to play and that matters are random here.

The nature of this game

Contrary to most of the games played globally, a given player randomly selects characters. The norm has always been for a player to earn characters through the various battle passes in particular games. In this specific case, a player spends the in-game resources, and at some point, he/she gets new characters, and a lot varies when it comes to these characters. That is starting from their abilities, stats, and items.

The interesting bit about the Fire Emblem Heroes is that one can win at the onset of the game, and this draws a clear line between it and most of the games. On the other hand, any given player can spend hundreds of dollars yet for nothing! The goal of any player is to get what he/she wants, and in this case, it is about getting the most outstanding characters. One could spend a lot yet stumble on nothing, and this is one bitter reality of this game.

The turn of events

Developer Intelligent Systems have always focused on the addition of rather powerful characters. This has regularly been happening, and part of that have been the seasonally themed characters. Such characters are always introduced over a limited period of time, something that usually leads to the attainment of constant revenues.

It was sometime back when Nintendo embarked on a test experiment known as Super Mario Run. A large number of payers hoped to witnesses a reimagined Mario experience and to enjoy it fully on their mobile gadgets. The whole thing turned out to be a disappointment. The game was good, and no one is disputing that, but it wasn’t as good as the other classic Mario games.

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