Study Shows That Millennials Prefer Being Adults on Holidays

OnePoll conducted a study for State Farm that found that 2 in 3 millennials preferred being adults during the holidays. The poll of 2003 Americans aged 25-40 found that 67% preferred the memories they made as adults to those they made as children.

Activities millennials enjoyed during the holidays

The participants were not bothered by having more choices as adults. About 3 in 4 were more motivated to clean and cook on holidays. Moreover, 7 in 10 liked doing chores. Another 57% enjoyed hosting during the holidays.

The researchers found that the respondents enjoyed some activities more as adults than children. These include playing holiday music and movies (28%), cleaning after meals (30%), decorating (31%), and wrapping gifts (71%).

The participants were surprised to find that they enjoy mowing the lawn (32%), paying bills (33%), doing repairs in the house (39%), going out on Friday night (40%), and learning new things (50%). Another 6 in 10 enjoyed making manor purchases like cars. Despite this, 77% thought being an adult was harder than expected.

Millennials had worries about adulthood

The participants shared their worries about adulthood. They included not seeing their friends and family, paying taxes feeling anxious about bills.

One respondent says that they were surprised by how quickly their level of responsibility increased as adults. Furthermore, they didn’t think much about the things their parents did for them as a child.

Another 59% said they enjoyed spending time with their parents and siblings more as adults. About 78% admitted that they would do mundane tasks with family if it meant seeing them.

According to the Vice President of Public Affairs at State Farms, Victor Terry, many parts of adulthood feel scary until we get there. These include buying a house or moving into your first home. However, these things can be satisfying once we achieve them.

Another study found that millennials often took up the most responsibility for family gatherings during holidays. For instance, they were more likely to cook. This group was also more anxious about accommodating more people’s palettes (64%). They were also more likely to consider everyone’s dietary needs than boomers despite the stress it gave them.

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