Study Shows That Americans Were Sad About Their Children Growing Up

OnePoll did a study for Baby Magic that looked into the difference between parenting over generations. The poll of 2000 American parents found that three in five believe they spend more time on their children than their parents did for them. The average participants spent five hours daily with their children. Another one in ten spent eight hours with them.

The participants took the chance to spend time with their children during specific points of the day. These include bath time (26%), bedtime (27%), playtime (27%), watching a movie (30%), and meals (32%).

Technology made parenting harder 

While the parents thought that new technology had simplified their lives, 74% believed it more difficult today to raise a child. Technology contributed to about 58% of the problem. Other things that made parenting harder were having full-time jobs (64%) and social media (66%).

About 68% of the parents felt they were over-reliant on devices like iPads to occupy their kids. However, 72% preferred times of the day when their children didn’t use electronics. Another 74% admitted that they felt sad that their children no longer needed their help as they grew older.

The activities the respondents missed helping their children with as they grew up are brushing their teeth (36%), dressing (38%), and bathing (41%). About 36% said they spent less time with their children as they became older because they didn’t need them as much. Another 45% said it was because their children were more independent. About 72% said they felt hurt when they went from their children’s closest friends to them becoming more independent.

Parents valued bath time

About seven in ten thought their children found bath time just as relaxing for them. Most of them said that bath time hadn’t always been easy. About 74% said that it improved with time.

About 62% of the residents believed their parents had bathed them less than they do with their children. The reason is that the parents bathe their children every day (35%). Another 57% stated that bathing had evolved since they were children as they washed the children in the bathtub while their parents had done it using the sink.

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