Study Finds Reasons For Differences in Migraine Treatment at Hospitals

A study has explored the differences in the treatment of migraine. The researchers also gave solutions for how the healthcare system could change the system.

This study comes when people struggle to find treatment for their chronic headaches even though the neurological condition is common. Only 25% of patients experiencing episodic migraine received appropriate treatment in the U.S.

When the researchers evaluated the causes of disparities in the healthcare system, they found that race and ethnicity influenced patients’ quality of care. Other factors were geography, insurance coverage, and socioeconomic status.

Race affected the quality of care

The team found that different races experience the same incidence of migraines. However, black Americans were 25% less likely to receive quality care for their symptoms than white patients. Hispanics, on the other hand, were 50% likely.

Moreover, African Americans are more likely to get imaging at an emergency department. When it came to children, white Americans were two times more likely than other children to receive imaging.

The team also noted a difference in how pain medication was administered among different races. For instance, non-white Americans were less likely to receive adequate medication. White patients, on the other hand, were often given too much medication, which made them more susceptible to dependence.

Researchers also found that low-income households had 60% susceptibility to migraines. Unfortunately, many people in this group were also part of the non-white population. As a result, this compounded the problem for them. These patients were also less likely to have insurance. For this reason, they were often unable to seek medical attention.

Americans didn’t have access to specialised centres

The U.S also has centres that train professionals to specialise in diagnosing and treating migraines. However, these centres are often not enough and unevenly distributed. For this reason, patients living outside these areas have a more difficult time finding care. In addition, the centres don’t provide enough specialists to help people with migraines.

The team also found fewer common barriers. Some of those affected were members of the LGBTQ who were undergoing hormone therapy. These patients would often experience migraine, but many specialists didn’t know this was a side effect.

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