Sleeping Well At Night Could Be The Secret To Reducing Heart Disease and Stroke

According to a new study conducted in France, getting adequate sleep can reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease. But unfortunately, the study found that few people are getting adequate night’s sleep, with close to 90% of people being poor sleepers. 

Better sleep can help reduce coronary disease or stroke 

The study suggests that 72% of new stroke and heart disease cases could be avoided with better sleep. Cardiovascular disease (heart failure, heart attacks, and angina) is globally the leading cause of disability and death. 

Study author Aboubakari Nambiema said that the low number of good sleepers is attributed to the busy 24/7 schedules of people. When good habits are first developed in one’s life, it is essential to emphasize the value of quality and amount of sleep for cardiovascular health. Reducing workplace stress and night-time noise can also enhance sleep.

The study enrolled 7,200 subjects between 50 and 75 years, with 63% being men. The participants were free of cardiovascular disease at the start of the study. The participants answered questions on the quality of life, family and personal medical history, and past medical conditions. 

Optimal sleepers were found to sleep for around 7-8 hours a night, and they didn’t experience insomnia, didn’t suffer sleep apnea, didn’t nap during the day, and were morning people. The study found that 10% of the people were optimal sleepers. 

Optimal sleepers have a low risk of heart disease

According to the study risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke was reduced by 22% for every point change in sleep score, which implies that participants with a score of 5 had a 75% lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke relative to those with a score of one or zero. 

Once the researchers examined the relationship between the difference in score and the participants’ risk for cardiovascular issues, they discovered that gaining one point decreased a participant’s chance of stroke or heart disease by 7%.

Nambiema concluded that the study shows that sleeping well can preserve heart health, and improving sleep is associated with a low risk of coronary heart disease/stroke. 

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