Pregnant? How Will You Announce It?

Pregnancy is one of the biggest milestones in a woman’s life. When most women become pregnant, they face a common challenge, how to announce it.

Since becoming a parent is not something that should be taken lightly, unceremoniously blurting out that you’re pregnant might elicit unexpected reactions from the recipients of the news. You should carefully plan how to break the news of your pregnancy to your family and friends. Let’s dive straight into the steps you should take to communicate this delicate information.

Waste no time

Since this is big news, don’t wait to tell people, especially your partner. If possible, you should go for the pregnancy test with your partner.

Where going for the test together is not possible,  send your partner a picture of the results. Your partner must get this information from you. Since the baby is supposed to increase the bond between you and your partner, it would be very heartbreaking for them if you waited a few days and they stumbled upon the results by themselves or heard from someone else.

Reveal in a fun surprise

Instead of just telling your partner by word of mouth, you can surprise them with baby clothes or a birthday cake. However, before you try this, you should be sure that they’ll be excited about the pregnancy. If they have shown disapproval towards pregnancies in the past, it would be better to use a softer method.

Don’t assume they’ll be happy.

While for many couples, news that they will have a child is a joyous occasion, that is not always the case, more so if you had not discussed having a child together. Some partners may initially feel like they are not ready to become parents, while others start panicking since parenthood is such a big responsibility. If this happens, give your partner some time to process the information, and you can both talk about it later on when they’ve cooled down.

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