New Study Shows Weather Conditions Can Influence Employee Productivity At Work

According to a recent poll, most people’s job satisfaction is likely influenced by what’s happening outside. The influence of weather on performance was examined in a poll of 2,000 working individuals, and it was discovered that 73 percent of respondents said the weather significantly affects how they perform.

Summer and warmer weather are related to high productivity at work 

More than one in four participants (28%) and 27% of respondents say that chilly temperatures and blue skies are related to higher work productivity levels. This is in line with the 43% who say they perform at their best in the spring. So it should come as no surprise that 65% of people prefer to work outside whenever the weather is beautiful, whether it be on patios (48%), rooftops (485or local coffee shops (53%).

Additionally, “Summer Fridays” may be the secret to feeling happy at work, according to the survey, which was sponsored by Wisetail and carried out by OnePoll. A little over half (59%) of employees indicate that their jobs give them a day off or a short day on occasion on Fridays in warm weather. More than 80% of employees claim that this benefit keeps them happy at work(85%), hence they are in favor of it.

Employees say weather conditions can negatively  impact their day 

Employees listed the weather conditions that can negatively impact their workdays, with severe rain (cited by 25% of respondents) and cold temperatures (cited by 25%) as the main culprits. Meanwhile, 22% of people connect snowfall with a difficult workday.

Additionally, 68% of respondents claim that bad weather lowers their drive to learn or take in knowledge at work. If it’s cloudy or darker outside, almost 67% of individuals will lower the brightness of their screens. Another 64% claim that when it is cloudy, they must frequently take breaks from their computer screens.

When asked what weather conditions could negatively affect their workdays, employees named severe rain (reported by 25% of respondents) and freezing temperatures (indicated by 25% of respondents) as the primary offenders.

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