Joe Exotic Enjoying Tiger King Fame Behind Bars Despite Being In Quarantine For Now

Joe Exotic the Tiger King star will not be enjoying his new-found fame as a free man after the documentary went viral. The incarcerated ex-Oklahoma tiger breeder seems to be making the most out of his prison time.

Incarcerated “Tiger King” star enjoying his fame behind bars

According to Netflix directors, the former zoo owner is aware of his newfound celebrity status and he is enjoying it in jail. Joe whose real name is Joseph Maldanado-Passage is serving a jail sentence of 22 years for the murder of activist Carole Baskin and various animal abuse counts. He was ecstatic last week regarding the popularity he has received since the Netflix documentary premiered.

Sources indicate that he has received several mails while in prison of which he has replied to more than 200 emails and they are still some waiting response in his inbox. However, this glory hit a pause after Joe was transferred to the FMC Fort Worth federal facility in Texas from county jail. But it was Joe who apparently asked for the transfer because the federal prison is nicer compared to where he has been.  But, the prison placed him in quarantine as a precaution because of coronavirus concerns. 

However, the quarantining of Joe means that he will not be able to check emails or make calls over the 14-day quarantine.

Netflix directors say Joe is enjoying his moment

Netflix director Eric Goode revealed that he has been in contact with Joe and they have spoken a couple of times. He added that Joe was excited about the docuseries and the limelight he has received. Another director Rebecca Chalkin said that Joe is over the moon and he can’t talk without mentioning how much publicity he is receiving. She added that keeping in touch with him while he was in the county prison helped raise his spirits.

Things could be different for the start after he finishes his quarantine and returns to his emails. He might face hate email after an outtake of him furious about the inability to use the n-word.

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