How to Limit Your Alcohol Intake During the Holidays

During the holiday season, many people are trying to determine the healthy amount of alcohol to drink. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that the right amount of alcohol for adult males is two drinks or less and one drink or less for women. However, during the holidays, many people struggle to meet this standard.

It is hard to quit drinking during the holidays. However, while you indulge, you mustn’t go above the limit experts recommend. Binge drinking is having more than four drinks for women and more than five drinks for men in 2 hours. For this reason, spreading out your consumption over the day is essential.

Nutritionist advises people to exercise in moderation

According to Brian Dugan, a dietician nutritionist in Chicago, it is crucial that people consider moderation. Since alcohol can be detrimental to your health, Dugan advises that people space out their drinks. Moreover, they should drink for the sake of social interaction. Dugan also advises on staying hydrated.

Many people know that drinking too much alcohol can cause hangovers and vomiting. However, it can also cause alcohol poisoning, a much more severe problem. Long-term drinking can also damage your liver.

Dugan states that the types of food people eat during a day of drinking are also important as they could help you balance your alcohol consumption. He says that people should eat more vegetables, protein, and fiber. Dugan explains that excessive alcohol intake can poison you due to the substance’s effect on your body.

Ijeoma Opara, an assistant professor of Behavioral Science at Yale School of Public Health, points out that societal pressure and brain chemistry can significantly impact binge drinking.

Groups that should not be drinking

The National Institute of Health states that a serving of alcohol is five ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer, and 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits. The NIH believes that heavy drinking raises the risk of alcohol disorder. It advises that certain groups of people avoid drinking. These include pregnant women, people under 21, those cooperating heavy machinery, those taking particular over-the-counter drugs, people suffering from alcohol disorders, among others.

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