Benefits of Video Games to Mental Health

Many studies have dwelled on the harmful effects of video games, but few have attempted to find their usefulness. However, a new study has shown that playing video games can alleviate anxiety.

How video games relieve stress

Researchers have found that video games help people focus on what is presently happening. As a result, they tend to forget what is worrying them.

Games, in general, provide people with a way to socialize. As social animals, human beings need to talk to people to sustain their mental health. Video games also enable people to mix as they play. Furthermore, gamers generally have better social skills as some video games teach them to collaborate to reach their goals. These people have better chances of dealing with stress.

Video games are essential in self-expression. Many games allow you to make choices that will release your creativity. Usually, not expressing yourself is frustrating and can be stressful. For this reason, playing a graphic video game can reduce this stress.

Playing video games can be fulfilling. They give you a sense of achievement which can boost your confidence and enable you to tackle challenges in your daily life.

Furthermore, doing something you enjoy, like playing a video game, can make you happy. Being happy automatically reduces the amount of stress and anxiety you are feeling. Gaming reduces stress since the brain produces dopamine when you are having fun. This feel-good hormone works to alleviate your anxiety.

Studies have shown that video game players are better problem solvers because many games give multiple levels and missions that could take hours to complete. They can teach people, especially children, how to react when faced with a problem that needs to be solved. Solving your problems is one way to reduce the stress you face in your life instead of giving up.

Harmful impacts of video games

Despite the mental health benefits of playing games, you should still be aware of the harmful impacts irresponsible gaming can cause. They include dopamine addiction, escapism, reduced motivation, poor work or school performance, social disconnection, and relationship problems. Therefore, it is essential to maintain balance when indulging in video games.

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