Americans Look Forward to Doing Laundry During as the Pandemic Continues

Many Americans spend a lot of their time sorting their clothes as they eagerly wait for their next trip to the laundromat. According to a new study, this is also revealed that some previously uninteresting tasks have suddenly become more exciting as people continue to stay at home.

Grocery shopping is now fun.

OnePoll surveyed Apple Vacations and Secrets Resorts & Spas. Involving about 2000 participants, the study aimed to determine how exactly bored people have been since the beginning of the pandemic. The researchers found out that 35% of the participants are now thrilled to fill up their tank with gas, while 44% enjoy grocery shopping.

The urge to escape reality is very apparent in this study, with 59% of the respondents saying they have had enough isolation.

Furthermore, 6 in 10 participants say what they want out of vacation has changed since the pandemic struck. Another 56% say that they will take an extended vacation once the pandemic is over.

Two-thirds of Americans cannot wait to be able to experience new sights and sounds. As a matter of fact, they are so desperate to travel that they’re willing to spend extravagant amounts of money for it to happen. According to the poll, the average American is ready to spend upwards of $7000 to travel again.

Dana Studebaker, Senior Director of Marketing at Apple Leisure Group, says in a statement that the need to get Americans an opportunity to disconnect from all the stress around the pandemic is more apparent than ever. The director adds that it does not matter whether they have to relax on a private island to unplug.

Plans to start traveling again

As things slowly get back to normal, 3 in 5 Americans are excited to get back to traveling with family and friends. Another 59% say that the pandemic has made them decide to travel more often once it’s over. However, despite the desperation to travel, 59% of the participants are only willing to go to destinations that test for COVID19.

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