Zoom Dysmorphia: Another Result of The Pandemic

The COVID 19 pandemic drastically increased the use of video conferencing with the work-from-home setup. However, according to a new study by Harvard, this new workspace has brought with it a unique challenge: Zoom dysmorphia.

More cosmetic consultations

The study, led by Harvard Medical School professor Dr. Shadi Kourosh, surveyed more than 100 dermatologists and reported that more than half of them experienced increased cosmetic consultations occasioned by zoom dysmorphia. In this case, the condition is described as a distorted view of oneself, seen from their front-facing cameras on smartphones or computer webcams that they use to attend online meetings.

In the study presented at the American Academy of Dermatology Virtual Meeting Experience, researchers discussed how they investigated the rising cosmetic consultations in the middle of a global pandemic. In the online AAD meeting, Dr. Kourosh said that society quickly transformed its way of socializing and started communicating broadly through video conferences. She added that as the workforce increasingly relied on videoconferencing, the extended periods people looked at themselves on the screen affected them.

The professor further explained that the new condition, named Zoom dysmorphia, is a negative perception of one’s appearance brought about by prolonged exposure to video calls. She added that it was more serious when one is using lower-quality camera devices.

To better understand the effect of working remotely on patients, the researchers interviewed their fellow dermatologists. Kourosh was alarmed that 86% of the study’s dermatologist subjects reported that the cause of the rising cosmetology consultations was video conferencing. She explained that long periods of using the front-facing cameras could lead to a ” concerning and subconscious response” unique to these unusual times we live in.

Social media’s role

Additionally, people who spend extended amounts of time on social media viewing highly filtered images of other people may also be responsible for comparing themselves unfairly with the pictures they see online. Dr. Kourosh proceeded to give a few tips that could help improve Zoom meetings.

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