Why Studying Data Science Is An Important Career Choice

Data science is increasingly becoming the talk of the day, and everybody is talking about it. Nowadays, big data is every organizations’ way of growing business, and as a result, data scientists are increasingly becoming necessary.  With data science knowledge, one can use statistics, math, programming as well as other subjects to organize data sets and make sense out of it. The application of this knowledge can help in uncovering solutions hidden in large sets of data to help the organization or business to address challenges and achieve its goals. 

With the boom in the use of big data, having data science skills is necessary as the skills can help propel you in your career or improve your business. Data science involves extracting, analyzing, storing, managing, and visualizing data to come up with insights that can help the company in making decisions. This is a multidisciplinary field, and it presents several opportunities for anyone who has studied data science. Here is why it is important:

It is highly in demand

One of the most sought after professionals in the world today are data scientists. It is one of the fastest-growing fields in the world, and by 2026 it will have created over 11.5 million jobs. Because of this fast-growing data, scientists get access to numerous opportunities making it one of the most employable sectors.  The demand for data scientists is high, but the supply tends to below.

There is inadequate data literacy in the market today, creating a supply vacuum, which is more reason one should study data science to meet this demand. To meet the high demand for data scientists, people should study data science as a potential career. Data scientists are valuable, and with the shortage in the skill in the market, it means companies will be fighting for the few available professionals, which means even higher perks for graduates. 

Data science is a lucrative profession

Data science is one of the most lucrative careers, and according to Glassdoor, on average, one can earn up to $117, 345 per year. The lucrative pay makes data science one of the best career choices for any student. It is the lack of enough data scientist that results in this huge income.

The learning curve in data science is quite steep as one is required to be proficient in many fields such as Math, Computer Science, Programming, and Statistics. As a result, this makes their value to be high because the field is highly abundant and has lots of opportunities.

Transforming the world

Data is the gold of the digital world because of the massive potential it holds in defining the future. Data science enables analysis that has resulted in new generation technology solutions such as AI and Machine learning. For instance, data scientists are important in converting data on human behavior to predictive analytics that can help businesses grow through targeted advertisement and marketing campaigns. 

Equally, data science is used in various applications and industries that include e-commerce, banking, healthcare, and consultancy. There is versatility in data science, and one could work in any place. Scientists play an important role in turning big data into useful solutions and insights that make organizations better.

Is it worth studying data science?

Data science is one of the most prestigious programs in the world today, and anyone studying is assured of access to numerous opportunities. Although there are several practitioners in the field, there is nonetheless a shortage of professionals, which therefore makes studying data science advantageous.

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