Ways to Improve Your Gut Health

Although gut health is essential to overall well-being, many people experiencing symptoms often rush to treat their discomfort rather than find the cause of their distress. For instance, people with acid reflux commonly take Zantac. However, in 2019, the FDA warned that Zantac increases the risk of cancer and temporarily hides symptoms of your gut problems, making your condition harder to diagnose.

The gut is not only a passage through which food is digested and nutrients absorbed. It also plays a crucial role in your mental health, mood, immunity and more so, rather than taking drugs, experts suggest you get to the route cause of your problems so you can prevent them.

Signs that you have an unhealthy gut

To keep your gut healthy, it is crucial to know the signs of an unhealthy gut. Such symptoms include bloating, constipation, diarrhoea and heartburn. Allergies, inflammation in your gut or a poor diet could also cause skin issues such as eczema.

Unintentional changes in your weight could indicate that you have an unhealthy gut. For instance, an imbalance in your gut might affect how your body absorbs nutrients, store fat and regulate blood sugar.

Poor sleep can be a sign of an unhealthy gut. This is because serotonin, a hormone that affects your mood and sleep, is made in the gut. A problem in production could result in sleep problems

The importance of a diverse diet

Many species of beneficial bacteria live in your gut. Each of these species requires different nutrients to survive. A diverse diet could help feed all these species of bacteria. Put a lot of focus on legumes, fruits and vegetables. A high-fibre diet could also stimulate the growth of bacteria.

Fermented foods such as kefir and yoghurt can also introduce beneficial bacteria into your gut. These bacteria reduce the risk of chronic illness and inflammation.

Probiotics can add beneficial bacteria to your gut. They also reduce immunity, regulate cholesterol and prevent information.

When choosing a probiotic, find one with at least one billion colony-forming units (CFUs). The best probiotics contain bacteria from the genus Lactobacillus, Saccharomyces boulardii and Bifidobacterium. Do not take a probiotic if you have an overgrowth of bacteria.

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