Study Shows That People Around the World Are Taking Steps to Improve Their Health

A study conducted by OnePoll and commissioned by The Council for Responsible Nutrition and Herbalife Nutrition has found that many people worldwide are taking steps to improve their lives. The survey of 13,000 people from 24 countries shows that 8 in 10 Americans think they could still do more to improve their health. About 82% of people worldwide feel the same way. Another 89% of all study participants are actively trying to improve their health.

Participants report seeing benefits from their lifestyle changes

Among the participants taking measures to improve their health, 81% were motivated to live a healthy lifestyle by the COVID-19 pandemic. They have also begun to see the benefits from their lifestyle changes. For instance, 51% can exercise for longer before getting tired. Another 48% have reported losing weight, while 53% have more energy during the day.

However, Americans do not seem to be doing as well as the rest of the world. About 29% of Americans have lost weight, while the same number report being energetic during the day. Moreover, only 32% can exercise for longer before getting tired.

The first steps respondents took to become healthy include eating healthier, using a fitness app, and exercising. Other efforts were taking vitamins, taking more walks, and avoiding junk food.

Participants take more supplements and vitamins

Nearly half of the respondents were eating healthier and taking supplements and vitamins. Researchers found that participants taking supplements or vitamins spend about $286 on them each year. Americans spent $304 yearly.

Although many of the participants would like to try supplements and vitamins, only 69% knew the benefits that came with them. However, 77% would like to have more knowledge on their advantage. About 27% said they could consult a doctor to get information, while 30% would get it from the internet.

According to the Chief Health and Nutrition Officer at Herbalife Nutrition, Dr. Knet Bradley, the pandemic has enabled many people to change their health habits through healthy eating, taking supplements and vitamins, and exercising. However, consistency is the key to keeping these changes persistent.

Moreover, having information about supplements and vitamins is vital for an individual’s wellness journey.

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