Study Shows That Many Americans Need Personal Time During the Holidays

A survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Woodcock has found that many Americans are searching for personal time. The study of 2000 showed that 77% of the participants wanted alone time to relax.

Researchers also found that about 68% of the respondents would turn down social invitations to get alone time. Another 61% admitted they would do anything for personal time, with 46% saying they would listen to the same song repeatedly for three days to get time to themselves.

In addition, the participants said they would usually forget their time when they were dealing with a lot. Activities that took a hit included a healthy diet for 39%, hobbies for 40%, and exercise for 42%. Nevertheless, about 86% thought that personal time enhanced their well-being.

Americans felt overwhelmed during the holidays

With the holidays coming, more Americans feel they need time to themselves. The participants felt bombarded by activities such as cooking for Thanksgiving (34%), wrapping presents (35%) and washing dishes after a meal (38%). About 65% of the respondents said they became overwhelmed and wireless likely to engage if they didn’t get downtime.

This year, nearly two-thirds of people have focused on having more rest. For this reason, 68% have come up with activities for their time. These include preparing exotic foods (26%), updating their wardrobe (27%), coming up with beauty routines (28%), and reading (31%).

Americans liked to relax with candles

About 62% said they liked to indulge in sensory experiences rather than buy material items during their time alone. Unsurprisingly, 48% felt calm when they used a candle. Another 26% described feeling refreshed after using a candle (26%). About 30% of the participants could not go through their time without a candle.

According to the brand marketing director for WoodWick Candles, Nancy Sacco, the company hopes that people will make time for themselves before the holiday starts to overwhelm them. She adds that too many Americans wait until things get busy before indulging in their downtime activities. By this time, they decide to set these activities aside. WoodWick Candles hopes to help Americans change this.

Sacco adds that taking time to yourself can hero you happy and grounded. Moreover, no one has to spend too much money on their indulgences. A candle is often enough to set the mood for most.

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