Study Shows That Americans Pamper Their Dogs

A study done by OnePoll on behalf of NOW FRESH found that many Americans treat their dogs like children. In the survey of 2000 Americans who owned dogs, about 6 in 10 participants considered themselves helicopter parents because they cared for their dogs.

Americans prioritise their dogs’ comfort

The survey showed that most of the respondents (91%) paid close attention to their dogs’ needs. About 89% prioritised their comfort with each seasonal change, with 46% willing to buy them sweaters, winter coats for 40% and rain jackets for 37%.

Other participants admitted to making changes in their lifestyles for their dogs, with some choosing to exercise more (39%). About 26% now live in houses suited to their pets, and 31% use pet-friendly furniture.

Over 4 in 5 of the participants treat their dogs as valued family members, while 3 in 4 say their pets know they are spoiled.

Americans take their dogs’ diets seriously 

American dog owners put even more emphasis on their pets’ diets, with 87% saying they care about what their dogs eat. About 2 in 3 try to pamper their dogs by giving them diverse foods. Another 79% check the ingredients on dog food before buying it, while 75% only buy food with premium quality ingredients.

About 60% take premium quality to mean food with fresh ingredients like whole natural foods (63%). They can also be meat with high protein (46%), non-GMO (33%), food with no preservatives or artificial colours (34%), and organic food (38%).

Of the participants, 2 in 3 have cooked a special meal for their dogs on some occasions. The occasions include the anniversary of their adoption (18%), coming home after a trip (22%) or the dog’s birthday (44%). Meals cooked for such occasions include dog-friendly cakes, a leg of venison or beef stew. 

About 63% of dog owners prefer using quality ingredients for their dog food. Others prioritise affordability (55%), and others look for added benefits (41%) like probiotics. Some dog owners decide to change food brands because of recommendations from the vet (33%) or positive customer reviews (35%).

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