Study Shows That American Youth Are More Likely To Die Before the Age of 25 Than Youth in Other Wealthy Countries

The University of Colorado conducted research that compares the mortality rate of youths in the U.S to other wealthy nations. The study revealed that young people from America are more likely to die before twenty-five. In addition, the findings supported that people of color ran a higher risk of dying earlier than the rest of the youth in America.

How the study authors conducted their research 

The study authors focused on large databases containing young Americans’ health records. These databases collected before the pandemic revealed that the U.S. recorded a high number compared to records from other countries.

The authors also came across records that identified a high mortality rate in Infants. The team calculated the infant mortality rate to be three times worse than other wealthy countries.

The wealthy countries used in the study include  Germany, France, and others. The study published in the previous edition of the Population Reference Bulletin identified that young people between the ages of 15 and 24 are at a higher risk of dying early.

The factors that lead to high death rates in infants and the youth

A recent publication of Forbes magazine quoted one of the leading authors, Richard Rodgers, states that the country required a plan to deal with the plight. Rodgers further stated that the discovery required efficient care and assistance.

The study authors divided the young people into various categories, especially those highly affected. The findings revealed that 4 out of 10 youths between 15 to 19 were candidates for dangerous factors like firearm or accident-related deaths.

The authors also estimated why the mortality rate on infants was high due to factors such as poverty, and violence.

The findings became shocking and ironic after comparing mortality rates in adults whose records revealed that their deaths resulted from accidents and illnesses. The study also identified various states affected by the plight, such as South Carolina.

The study authors revealed that the type of income from parents was a crucial factor in the child’s mortality. In addition, the team revealed that children born from families with high and doable incomes were less likely to die early.

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