Study Look Into Americans’ Spring Cleaning Habits

OnePoll conducted a study for TruGreen that looked into American spring cleaning habits. The survey of 2000 U.S homeowners discovered that 78% of the respondents link their well being to the cleanliness of their homes.

About 75% of the respondents said they felt stressed out when their homes weren’t tidy. Another 70% said they felt the same if their outdoor spaces were messy. Americans felt their outdoor spaces were crucial, with 75% using them during the pandemic. About 71% felt these spaces were an oasis for them in that period.

Reasons Americans gave for spring cleaning

The researchers also found that respondents were eager to start their spring cleaning. About 72% believed that spring cleaning enhanced their well being. Participants also had other reasons for spring cleaning, including preparation for spring activities (47%), getting ready for a new season (48%), and being productive (53%).

Some respondents took two weeks to check things off their spring cleaning list. However, about 50% required more than 16 days, while 6% took about 29 days. Approximately 68% reported that spring cleaning was overwhelming.

As spring cleaning could be demanding, many participants postponed their usual activities for six days. Some of the spring cleaning included garage organising (53%), cleaning out the refrigerator (55%), and bathroom cleaning (56%).

Due to the demand spring cleaning put on their daily lives, 59% felt it would be better to hire someone to do the task for them this year.

Americans intend to upgrade their homes

Approximately 30% planned to add upgrades to their homes to their checklists. Another 6 in 10 stated this was partly due to the need to keep their homes looking as good as the rest of the neighbourhood.

Some of the ways participants planned to upgrade their homes include landscaping (48%), starting a garden (56%), and spreading grass seed (50%).

According to the Director of Technical Operations at TruGreen, Marc Mayer, spring is a great time to make changes to your home. However, Mayer agrees that the work could be stressful. Fortunately, the pandemic has made more Americans care about their homes as they spend more time there.

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