Study Finds That Parents Prefer Remote Learning to In-person Learning

A survey of 2000 American parents and their children conducted by OnePoll and commissioned by TutorMe found that parents believe remote learning was better for their children, with 7 in 10 parents saying their children were more focused when learning remotely.

Parents believe online education is better for students

The researchers also found that 1 in 3 children became excited by learning remotely. About 72% of parents believed that remote learning would outlast COVID-19. The parents felt that their children had developed healthy study habits due to learning remotely. About 43% of children were getting better at multitasking, and 46% were asking more questions. Of the 2000 parents, 9 in 10 think these habits will remain after the pandemic.

When asked about things from remote learning that teachers should add to in-person learning, about 43% of the parents said teachers should allow children to learn at their own pace. Another 43% said that classes tended to be smaller with remote learning, which could be advantageous. About 2 in 5 of the parents thought that remote learning allowed their children to learn in style more conducive to them and offered more additional resources.

The study also looked into the study habits of the parents.  Parents tended to spend around five nights before a test studying when they were students. Most of these parents (86%) now want to help improve their children’s study habits.

Students use the internet to help them learn

Of the respondents, 1 in 5 said they didn’t overcome their study anxiety until they reached high school. For 45% of the parents, the increase in peer learning helped them through their fear. However, 4 in 5 parents think they would have been better off with the resources at their children’s disposal today, like the internet.

When children have questions, a good portion of them turns to the internet (45%). About 3 in 5 of the children believe that researching online is less stressful. Children have also come up with methods to help them learn better remotely, such as opening a textbook when they are online, recording virtual classes to come back to them later, and finding examples online to help them understand a concept better. However, about 2 in 3 of the students still find it challenging to study by themselves.

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