Study Finds That Having Good Female Friends Can Boost a Woman’s Confidence

A survey conducted by OnePoll and commissioned by Amazing Lash Studio found that having female friends could help women develop a healthy mindset and confidence. The study of 2000 American women found that about 3 in 5 women felt empowered by their female friends.

Researchers also found an association between beauty and confidence, with 72% of the respondents saying feeling beautiful made them feel confident. Many women seem to gain confidence from their friends.

Ways in which women felt supported by their friends

About 61% said their friends showed support by occasionally calling them to see how they were doing. Other friends would help babysit their children or buy them meals. Another 1 in 3 had friends who had helped them through their anxiety, while 1 in 5 said their friends pushed them to take more risks.

Researchers sought factors that made the study participants feel confident and beautiful. About 42% said they achieved this by surrounding themselves with people who cared about their wellbeing, 44% tried to practice self-care, and 46% tried to remain true to themselves. For some of the participants, 43%, delicate included sounding time with friends. Beauty treatments were also part of their self-care practices

According to Stephanie Hu, the CEO of Amazing Lash Franchise, LLC, the company has conducted studies that show self-care can also include socialization.

Female friends turn to each other for support 

Nearly 48% of the participants asked their friends for advice on life issues. Another 44% turned to friends for beauty tips. This was in comparison to 17% who used Instagram and 19% who used blogs.

Hu adds that this is because women tend to trust female friends more on self-care. Women who join forces improve their lives, find it easier to solve problems and help each other in self-improvement.

Previous studies have shown that it is more important for women to spend time with their female friends as they grow older and experience stress. Friends often allow women to be themselves and offer both social and professional support.

During stressful times, women can release oxytocin which helps them bond with other women. This can, in turn, help them solve their problems and thus promote their well-being.

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