Studies Show That Teenagers With ADHD Are More Likely to Become Nicotine Dependent

Numerous studies have shown that adults and teenagers with ADHD are more likely to become smokers. In addition, they are more likely to begin the habit earlier in life and have a more challenging time quitting.

Factors that lead to smoking in teenagers with ADHD

Scientists theorize that numerous factors could lead to nicotine use among teenagers with ADHD. One reason is the poor impulse control in teenagers with ADHD. People with ADHD have a more challenging time assessing the consequences of their actions and taking them into account.

Other studies have spotted similar genetic markers for smoking and ADHD. Therefore, factors that contribute to ADHD could also increase the risk of using nicotine.

Other studies have shown that teenage girls with ADHD are more likely to use nicotine and get addicted to it than teenage boys despite the general assumption that drug use is more prevalent among boys. Some researchers hypothesize that nicotine use is worse for girls with ADHD because they experience higher levels of depression and anxiety hence use nicotine to self-medicate.

Smoking comes with many harmful effects. It is especially detrimental to adolescents as it affects their developing brains. Teenagers with ADHD are even more likely to turn nicotine usage into a lifelong habit.

While smoking could start as a way for young people to have fun, it could quickly become a habit. Peer pressure, desire to try adult activities or the urge for adventure can lead to smoking.

How to keep adolescents from smoking

Experts recommend a variety of strategies to prevent children from using nicotine. One of them is teaching them to assertively say no to smoking to help them steer clear of peer pressure.

Parents can also try to discuss smoking with their children and teach them its harmful effects. Emphasizing the detrimental effects of passive and active smoking is essential. In addition, it can help to cite real-life examples, so their children know the reality of it.

The most important way to prevent your children from using nicotine is to set a good example. Please stay away from nicotine products and keep them away from your home, so your child doesn’t become curious and try them out.

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