Research Shows Correlation Between Physical Exercise and Reduced Risk of Breast Cancer

According to a recent study, being active and sitting less could lower women’s chances of developing breast cancer. Although studies have demonstrated a connection between inactivity and the chances of developing breast cancer, the exact cause has not been established. The study finding that researchers indicated apply to all breast cancer stages were published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. 

Now researchers claim that they have established proof of the cause by analyzing the DNA of several women through a Mendelian randomization study. The study uses genetic strains as markers of certain risk factors like a lifetime sedentary lifestyle. 

Increase exercise and reduce sedentary life to prevent breast cancer 

The corresponding author Prof Brigid Lynch said it is currently advisable to increase physical activity and decrease inactive time to prevent breast cancer. The research provides more proof that certain behavioural modifications could reduce the prevalence of breast cancer in the future. Due to the disease burden associated with this cancer in women, a higher emphasis on cancer prevention should be placed on a sedentary lifestyle and physical activity as controllable risk factors.

The researcher studied 130,957 women, with 69,8838 having locally spread invasive tumours, 6,667 having tumours yet to spread, and 54,452 women who didn’t have tumours. Additionally, the researchers used UK Biobank data to explore genetic predisposition to physical activity or sitting time to predict how physically inactive or active participants were. The researchers then estimated the risk of breast cancer in relation to menopause, cancer types, grade and stage. 

Exercising is linked to a 41% reduced risk of breast cancer. 

Results indicated that regardless of tumour type, menopausal status, grade or stage, a greater overall degree of genetically predicted regular exercise was associated with a 41% decreased chance of developing invasive breast cancer. Similarly, compared to inactivity, genetically predicted intense physical activity more than thrice a week resulted in a 38% lower risk of breast cancer.

Interestingly, enhanced levels of genetically predicted sedentary time had a lick with a 104% increased chance of triple-negative breast cancer. The findings are consistent in all hormone-negative cancers. 

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