Products to Use to Maintain Healthy Skin

Having healthy skin can be a great way for men and women to boost their confidence. While this might come easy for some, most people go through many skincare products before finding something that suits their needs. While doing this, people should first learn all about the skin to find out what could potentially suit them.

The structure of the skin

The skin, the largest organ of the body, has three layers. These are the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. The skin plays various roles, including temperature regulation, protecting internal organs, and fighting infection. For this reason, having healthy skin could help you maintain your overall health.

How to keep your skin healthy

Some of the most important skin products are elastin and collagen. The body naturally produces enough of these substances for your skin. However, as you age, your body cannot produce sufficient amounts. As a result, your skin becomes more prone to sagging and wrinkles.

To prevent this, you could use skincare products with elastin and collagen. These ingredients are common in anti-ageing creams. They prevent the effect of sun damage and ageing in your skin, thus helping you sustain your youthful appearance for longer.

Another standard product to have for skincare is moisturiser. This product will help keep your skin elastic and soft by trapping water in your pores. While there are many types of moisturisers, dermatologists recommend using water-based ones.

The reason is that moisturisers with alcohol could dry the skin. However, people with dry skin should try oil-based products instead. Always use moisturiser after a bath while your skin is still moist to trap moisture inside your pores.

Another product to use is sunblock. Use this immediately after applying moisturiser. Sunblock protects your skin from UV radiation, thus limiting the harmful effects of UV on our skin.

Adding antioxidants to your skincare regimen is also essential as they remove toxins from your skin. You could find them in food or skincare products. They could be more beneficial for people with acne. Antioxidants include lutein, zinc, and Vitamins A, C, and E. The foods you could add to your diet to help you clear your skin are green tea, citrus fruits, eggs, and berries, among others.

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