Parents Think It Takes Only 30 Minutes For Their Children To Get Bored Outside

Do kids these days think it’s an absolute bore being in the great outdoors? Unfortunately, most parents think their kids can only last 30 minutes outside before they start getting bored.

A survey conducted on 2,000 parents with kids between the ages of five and thirteen showed that about 48% of both dads and moms believe that their kids could only enjoy being outside for around thirty minutes or so. In addition, about 50% worry that their children lack the same imagination they had when they were younger and think the thing to blame for this is technology.

A Claritin survey conducted by OnePoll, found that two in three participants think tech has helped make growing up so much harder.

Do children like being outside? 

Parents who participated in this pol reminisced on how their childhoods looked like, and about 75% of them said that making friends was way more straightforward in their day. Most of them said all that you needed to do was go outside and start playing with the other kids that lived in the neighborhood. This was in comparison to the children of today who’ve got to contend with browsing their different social media platforms all day.

Around 72% believe, or seven in ten, believe they don’t spend enough time outdoors with their family. When their children do try to enjoy what the outdoors has to offer, most start finding it boring as soon as they get there. About 48% of the participating parents say that they barter computer or TV time with their children to try and get them to play outside.

However, it’s not only the children that aren’t going outside. Seven in ten of the respondents admitted that they don’t go outside enough with the entire family.

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