Interest In A Particular Career Does Not Equate To Job Satisfaction According To Recent Research

If you are like many people, the chances are that you have felt dissatisfied by your occupation, and maybe you have even thought about switching careers. Maybe you even picked up interest in another job type or career you think will be fulfilling enough to enjoy.

Houston University researchers recently published the findings of a study which suggests that occupational interest does not mean that the job will provide the expected satisfaction. The study also revealed that occupational interest contributes very little to job satisfaction.

Industrial-organizational psychology professor Kevin Hoff noted that the study shows that job interest contributes to job satisfaction but not as much as people might expect. He also added that other factors also contribute to job satisfaction, such as salary, colleagues, and supervisors. Many young people think that they will only be satisfied with a job if it aligns with their beliefs and preferences. Unfortunately, there is no perfect job.

Researchers evaluated data collected for more than half a century

The researchers reviewed 65 years’ worth of research data conducted from 1949 to 2016. They south to establish the relationship between job satisfaction and interest fit. They observed data from 105 studies and a total of 39,602 subjects. The likelihood of finding such a job are minimal, and they can get the same levels of satisfaction from a standard job where the superiors and co-workers are friendly. It also helps if the job pays well.

Many people believe that having an interest in a particular field is the most essential part of job satisfaction. The belief has been cultivated since the 1940s, when job interest was considered an important part of the job selection process. The research findings show that interest in a job is a useful guide for people towards finding a job through which they can potentially earn a decent income.

Interest assessment’s role in the job market is vital for motivation, but it cannot be the sole measure for job satisfaction. For example, one can land a job in an industry that they are interested in, but that interest may turn pale if the pay is too low or if the superiors are harsh.

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