If Pets Were To Speak Their Tone and Accent Could Depend On What They Want, Study Shows

Nearly four out of five Americans think that if pets could speak like humans, dogs might be the ones to start the conversation. According to a survey of 2,000 persons, 78% think that dogs are most likely to speak like humans relative to cats (60%) in a hypothetical situation.

Pet’s accent could depend on what they want. 

Around 53% of respondents think their preferred pet would talk with a certain tonality, accent, or stutter.

One respondent stated that if pets were to talk, they would have “a sassy southern accent and the tone changes depending on what she wants or needs.” Also, others said they would have “Boston” or “British” accents, while another said their previous dog might have had a monotone voice. 

OnePoll for Healthy Paws survey asked respondents about the possible downsides and advantages of having a conversation with their pets. If animals could communicate, they could communicate their food preferences (61%) and alert their owners to problems (58%). Even though talking to pets may have benefits, more than half (53%) worry that their pet will learn their secrets.

Additionally, 49% believe that the pets won’t stop talking, and 46% said they would insult someone. Generally, dogs (33%) are more likely to say a mean thing than a cat (24%). 

Pets are always communicating with humans through body language and vocalization.

Healthy Paws consulting dog trainer and Dogs Day Out training centre owner Danette Johnston said it is funny to speculate what pets could say and how they might sound. However, Johnston added that the most important aspect is understanding that pets are always communicating through vocalization and body language. 

Interestingly most of the respondents understand the barks and meows of their pets. Pet owners are always looking for indicators such as making noises or talking (61%), whining (53%), and “following e around” (54%). Unfortunately, it may take time for people to understand their pets, as the average person needs at least three and a half years to understand how pets communicate. 

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