How To Travel Without Leaving The Comfort Of Your Home

Travelling is one of the best activities that one can pursue while alive. Unfortunately, it can be quite expensive and limiting if you do not have an abundance of money. Additionally, traveling in 2021 is a bit more difficult than usual because of the coronavirus pandemic. Fortunately, there are ways of experiencing new places at the comfort of your couch.

Many tourist attractions provide an online experience for those that are unable to visit their physical location. Such virtual tours are a great way of killing boredom while learning something new. Here are some of how you can have a virtual tour at home:

Virtual museums

Many museums offer virtual tours that will leave you just as informed as someone that has visited the actual museum. Here are some great examples.

  • Uffizi Gallery

This is a popular museum that is based in Florence, Italy. It features an interactive tour that lets you select floors or rooms to explore. Each of those rooms contains various artworks, and the experience is similar to physically visiting the actual museum. The gallery contains famous art pieces made by popular artists such as Flippio Lippi, Sandro Botticelli, and Michelangelo Merisi da Carvaguim.

  • The Louvre

More than 10 million people visited this museum in 2019 alone, making it one of the most popular museums in the world. If you are curious as to why so many people love it, you can experience it for yourself by visiting their online exhibition.

  • The national museum of contemporary art

This museum is based in South Korea, and it has been around since 1969. It offers a wide variety of exhibits that have an abundance of the county’s culture, art, and history. You can visit this museum through a virtual reality tour on your mobile phone.

Visit virtual zoos

Many zoos have also adopted the virtual tour idea. This is a great way to experience wildlife without having to leave your home. Some of the zoos that offer such a service include Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary in Australia, Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and the San Diego zoo.

Google Maps

Being confined indoors does not mean that you cannot wander the streets. Google Maps Street View feature is a great way to visit a new place without physically being there.

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