How Mental Health Can Affect The Heart

Researchers have found a connection between mental health and cardiac health. When your mental health is poor, you are at a higher risk for heart disease. This connection is there because your mental health can affect your behaviour. Some mental disorders are also known to cause physical changes that increase the risk of heart diseases.

How mental health affects the heart.

Mental health conditions such as traumatic childhood experiences can put you at more considerable risk for heart diseases. Adults with a history of childhood trauma are more likely to engage in harmful activities such as drugs and alcohol, which are not good for their hearts. In 2020, JAMA Cardiology found that adults who experienced at least four traumatic events in their childhood were two times more likely to develop heart disease than those who did not.

Researchers have also found chronic stress can reduce blood flow to the heart,

decrease the heart’s pumping strength, activate blood clotting and trigger an inflammatory response. Chronic stress poses more danger to your heart than a significant life change.

Depression can also put you at risk for heart diseases. People suffering from depression are two times more likely to get coronary artery disease. They are also less likely to exercise, follow their drug regimen and quit smoking and drinking- all which can lead to a variety of heart diseases.

Heart disease can also cause depression. People with heart disease are more likely to develop depression than those with a healthy heart. 

Research shows that people with strong social support are less likely to contract a heart disease or die suddenly from one when compared to those who live in isolation.

How to ensure you have a healthier heart.

You can take a series of steps to ensure your mental health and your heart health. One is to seek the help of a mental health specialist. They could help you work through traumatic events and help eliminate negative thoughts through behavioural therapy.

Reducing stress is no easy task, yet it can go a long way to improve your mental health. One way to eliminate stress is to do mindfulness meditation which encourages you to focus on the present. Getting enough sleep and exercise can also help you cope with stress.

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