Here Is What Causes Cognitive Fatigue And How To Eliminate It

You may have heard about cognitive fatigue and wondered what it means. Cognitive fatigue is mental tiredness instead of physical fatigue. 

Cognitive fatigue happens when the brain engages in demanding tasks. 

Cognitive fatigue is characterized by impulsive decisions where someone loses their ability to manage brain processes leading to the spur-of-the-moment decision. Usually, someone works for extended periods, like making a schedule, writing, researching, or reading. It implies that the brain gets tired and makes it difficult for someone to make critical decisions. 

Cognitive fatigue occurs any moment you engage your brain, and it becomes difficult to perform even simple mental tasks when it sets in. University of Surrey’s clinical psychologist Dr. Catherine Huckle says that cognitive fatigue happens when someone faces constant demands engaging the brain.

According to a study published in the Current Biology journal, several theories explain why someone might experience cognitive fatigue. Pitie-Salpetriere University’s Mathias Pessiglione indicated that one such theory suggests that the brain makes someone quit their job and focus on a satisfying activity. 

According to Pessiglione cognitive weariness triggers actual functional disruption and the buildup of toxic elements. Therefore fatigue might be a sign to stop working to keep brain functioning integrity. 

Glutamate buildup is responsible for cognitive fatigue. 

After a problematic task, glutamate accumulation in the lateral prefrontal cortex causes brain weariness. Usually, glutamate is responsible for learning and memory, but the buildup of this excitatory neurotransmitter in a part of the brain can result in brain cell injury or death. In addition, incorrect glutamate concentration has a connection to diseases such as Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. 

Accumulating glutamate in the brain shouldn’t worry you because you can do away with it by resting. Resting and sleeping can help you eliminate glutamate. Evidence shows that sleep can eliminate glutamate from synapses.  

Besides resting and sleeping, VeryWell Health indicates that magnesium, Vitamins C, Omega 3 fatty acids, and Vitamin D could help eliminate glutamate levels in the brain. However, you should avoid supplements available in capsules since they have gelatin. 

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