Here Is How To Prepare For A Pediatric Telehealth Visit For Your Child

The COVID-19 Pandemic has changed the medicine landscape, and several physicians are shifting to the provision of care through telehealth. With telehealth visits increasing, parents may consider scheduling pediatric telehealth visits for their child. Here are some tips that can help you prepare for your child’s televisit.

Software handling and logging on

The first thing to make certain off is that you have the right software for the telehealth visit and be conversant on how to operate it. Get yourself technical support that you might require from the physician’s office.

Ensure you have a strong internet connection with adequate lighting because the doctor needs to see your child and also communicate with you. Most importantly, you have to be on time by logging on prior to the visit to have a window to address any technical issues. Equally, you might find the physician even ready early, which will help you start earlier.

Preparing your child for the televist

To ensure you are ready for the visit, always prepare what you will wish to cover with standby medications to show to the doctor in case he wants to. Measure their temperature before the visit and take their weight as this is helpful.

Always let the child know what is happening by talking them through the plan and times, so they are ready. You might need them for a short while for the telehealth visit, and they can continue with their activities.

Be helpful to the doctor in examining the child as they may want to see your kid walk around, so make sure you are in a spacious place. In case a child has a rash, you can take a picture and upload to the patient portal or show your doctor during the virtual visit

Sometimes, teens may prefer talking to the doctor alone, and since they are tech-savvy, you are next to them can lead to clamming up.

The most important thing to note is that not all televisits end online as the doctor might recommend an in-person visit for more examination or vaccination.

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