Focusing On Outcomes To Accelerate Students Success

In the past, education policies have mainly centered on affordability, accessibility, and accountability. Of all these factors, many institutions struggle to be accountable mainly since education has been centered on accreditation process. Many policymakers are pushing to have institutions of higher learning increase reporting of not just inputs, but also outcomes from public investment in education.

To correctly evaluate the outcome of an education system, it is good to look at the outcomes. Outcomes come at the end of an academic program and are the culmination of learning. It is a combination of three main factors-knowledge, competence, and orientation. Put together, these three factors determine the quality of education.

Outcome-based education help personalize education and allow education institutions develop models that offer learning in line with students’ interests. Institutions around are designing unique frameworks to develop competent students that can take on professional careers after graduation. Below are factors to consider when developing an outcome-based education system:-

Mission, vision, and objective

An outcome-based education system is primarily designed to improve the quality of education. The system helps to model the institution’s mission, vision, and objective.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

PEOs are evaluated over a long time and take into account what graduate envisions to do after graduation.

Graduate attributes

These are key skills and generic attributes that are transferable to students. There are curriculum management software that helps track a graduate’s skills to achieve the desired learning outcomes.

Student Learning Outcomes

Learning outcome is what a student can do with the skills acquired. It is the students’ attributes based on their vision, mission, and institutional goals.

Program Outcome

These are a set of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that a student is expected to acquire in training. The desired outcomes are matched to the expected outcomes in various courses.

Course Outcome

Course outcome refers to the set of knowledge, skills, and values that the learner is expected to acquire at the end of the course.

Teaching Methods

Students learning experiences are shaped and developed through podcasts, video lectures, and slide presentations. Technology has enabled institutions to map targeted outcomes.

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