Dr. Death Reveals Plan of an Implant That Will Allow Dementia Patients to End Their Life Years in Advance

Dr. Death, a nickname given to Dr. Philip Nitschke, the creator of the suicide pods, recently announced his intention to create an implant that effectively kills consumers affected with Dementia. Dementia is a chronic illness that affects mental processes and is attributed to brain disease.

Dr. Nitschke developed the Sarco Suicide Pods shaped like coffins and transported to any consumer who desires to terminate their life. The suicide pod for consumers with Dementia will possess features that assist when the desire to terminate their lives escapes their memory.

The Implant is set to work the same way the capsule does; however, the consumer should deactivate every day to prevent the administration of a lethal dose of poison and terminate their life.

With the aid of a button, the capsule functions by releasing high amounts of nitrogen that can kill the consumer in a matter of minutes. The Implant has gathered criticism as it could terminate the life of a person who forgot to switch it off.

Other methods that are used in Mercy Killing  

A recent article published by Mail Online reported that approximately 1,300 patients utilized the services of organizations that conducted mercy killing in the previous year. In Switzerland, physician-assisted dying was declared legal in 1942 and increased.

The testing is carried out on patients in a comma and at a point where physicians conclude that they are about to die. Due to the advancement of technology, Dr. Nitschke’s inventions simplified from injections to capsules.

The effects of the Implant for consumers with Dementia 

The means used by consumers currently have presented several problems as the patient with Dementia will require his consent while he/ she still possesses his faculties.

A physician will utilize the consent to give the drug if the patient isn’t of sound mind. However, this method attracted a lot of criticism as several people were uncomfortable with the idea.

During a press conference, Dr. Death revealed that the consumer would require deactivating of the Implant to halt the production of the hazardous poison. He warned that failure would release the poison and kill them.

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