Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Might Be A Game Changer For Depressed Individuals Struggling To Find A Job

People suffering from depression usually have a hard time trying to balance their life, and it is even more difficult for depressed individuals who happen to be unemployed. Fortunately, a new scientific study suggests that a type of therapy called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may help turn things around.

According to the study, roughly 41% of underemployed or unemployed individuals that underwent CBT managed to find a part-time or full-time job within 16 weeks of therapy. Some of the employed individuals who have jobs but were having a hard time focusing due to depression reported significant improvements in their ability to do their jobs when they went through CBT.

“Many are hoping to find a job or improve their productivity at their current job. Here we found that therapy can help people achieve these goals, as well,” stated Professor Daniel Strunk, a psychology professor at the Ohio State University and lead researcher in the study.

How does CBT work?

Profesor Strunk noted that many people going through depression want relief from symptoms but more importantly, the ability to focus on their jobs. Fortunately, CBT goes beyond just combatting the symptoms. It focuses on imparting patients with the necessary coping skills that allow them to shift their negative mentality.

Researchers observed 126 participants who went through CBT for 16 weeks at Ohio State Depression Treatment and Research Clinic. People suffering from depression tend to have a very pessimistic outlook on the world and matters pertaining to them. For example, they may conclude after an unsuccessful interview that they will never get a job. CBT aims to eliminate this negative mentality while empowering patients to take on a positive outlook.

The CBT style of depression treatment also seeks to help patients understand that it is not their fault that they are going through depression. It shifts their perspective so that they can start to focus on their work and achieve more even when the symptoms of depression are still there. This approach has so far worked for many people and researchers are optimistic that it will continue helping more depressed individuals to cope with depression, successfully find a job and maintain productivity.

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