Can Hotdogs be Considered Sandwiches?

Are hotdogs sandwiches? Over half of the American population thinks so. A recent study conducted on about 2,000 American citizens explores the American people’s condiment and cook food preferences. When it comes to making hotdogs, 75% of the people surveyed in this study said they put their hot dog after they smeared the bun with their favorite condiments. About a third of this group said that it reduces the mess when done this way.

Cookout preferences say a lot about someone 

An overwhelming number of American citizens prefer ketchup over mustard as a condiment. The ratio stands at 63% to 27%. However, mustard lovers are usually the more adventurous eaters compared to those who love ketchup.

In conjunction with OnePoll, organic meat producer Applegate found that those who prefer a hot dog over a burger are way more likely to consider themselves picky eaters, extroverts, and single-taskers.

With that said, however, 3 in 4 Americans will still have a burger over a hotdog. As far as personalities are concerned, over half of the hamburger fans (53%) think they’re responsible and open-minded compared to 46% of hot dog fans. More hamburger fans also believe that they’re much kinder than their hot dog counterparts. Burger lovers also think that they’re funnier and get more laughs than their hot dog counterparts. While most people will look forward to both the crunch and sizzle of their cookout foods, they are usually not as eager to do the grilling themselves.

Hot Topics While Eating

The hot topics people in America dread the most at barbecues and family events include money, politics and religion. However, there’s a certain debate that garnered unexpected results. Seven in ten people agree that a sandwich is two pieces of bread with some type of meat, vegetable or condiment in between. Eight in ten people in America believe that a burger meets this criteria. Applegate’s VP of Brand Strategy and Innovation, Nicole Glenn, said there are many debates involving cookout favorites. However, one thing that you shouldn’t debate about is how the ingredients that go inside the sandwich are sourced.

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