A Study Revealing the Lineage of Blue Eye Color Individuals Across the Globe

One of the most common eye colours recorded by the World Atlas includes the blue eye colour across the globe. The researchers approximated that the individuals with the set of eyes make up at least 8 to 10% of the world’s population. The authors further revealed that the U.S. bore more individuals as it was 27%, thus making the revelation even more adequate.

Blue eyes demonstrate a similar lineage 

Most scientists state that the blue eye colour is scarce and more stunning because it concludes that individuals sharing the colour originated from similar ancestral lineages. The lineage is believed to impulsively create a mutation in their gene to obtain this eye colour. The modification is thus responsible for various individuals across the globe whose scientists revealed that they were introduced at least 6,000 to 10,000 years ago.

One of the study authors, Professor Hans Eiberg, stated that before the modification, individuals typically possessed brown eyes. Eiberg further said that genetic modification occurs due to the mutation of the OCA2 gene. The genetic modification thus results in a change in the colour of the eyes due to the decreased levels of melanin creation in the eyes.

How researchers conducted the study

A publication by the ZME Science revealed the study authors evaluated the genetic components emanating from 100 households that possess blue eyes. The authors further evaluated various factors, including the mitochondrial DNA of the Respondents. They identified the modification liable for the blue pigment in their eyes, thus determining that the OCA2 gene is responsible. The change in individuals with blue eyes does not entirely turn off the creation of melanin, which develops alternative tones of pigments, including brown and blue.

A publication done by Healthline revealed the presence of certain medical states connected to an individual’s eye pigment. Some of the illnesses include Albinism which occurs when the eyes do not produce an adequate amount of melanin; thus, the modification turns this ability off. Individuals with moderate impacts to the illness possess light blue or violet pigments, while those with pink or red stains suffer from severe levels of Albinism.

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