A Study Finds That People With Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Insomnia Are at a Higher Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Death

A study by Flinders University has found that people with obstructive sleep apnea and insomnia have a higher likelihood of developing heart problems. They also have a 50% more chance of dying than those who only have one of those conditions. As a result of the study, the researchers advise people with one of the disorders to get tests for the other.

 The study shows how COMISA affects people

According to the lead study author from the Department of Sleep Health at the Flinders Health and Research Institute, Dr. Bastien Lechat, obstructive sleep apnea and insomnia are very common. The disorders affect about 10%-30% of people. Moreover, it isn’t unheard of for people to have both simultaneously.

Scientists have agreed that people with co-morbid insomnia and constructive sleep apnea (COMISA) are generally worse off than people with either of the diseases. However, until this study, scientists did not know how having both of them could affect someone’s health.

How researchers conducted the study

The researchers analyzed a dataset with more than 5000 people based in the U.s to determine the risks of having COMISA. The participants were an average of 60 years, and about 52% were female. The team followed the group for 15 years. During the duration of the study, nearly 1210 volunteers died.

The researchers concluded that people with COMISA were twice as likely to develop hypertension than people with one of the diseases. Furthermore, their likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease was 70% more. Their chances of dying for any reason also increased by 47%. This figure remained after scientists considered other factors that lead to mortality.

Dr. Lechat states that no other study has evaluated mortality rates in people with COMISA. He also advises people with one of the disorders to take tests for the other since COMISA comes with adverse risks to health.

Notably, more research is needed to investigate the cause of high mortality with COMISA. Researchers also have to develop a way to determine if treatments are working. The reason is that people with COMISA often require unique treatments.

The team published their study in the European Respiratory Journal.

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