How to Maintain Your Sexual Health During the Pandemic

Amid the pandemic, many people have begun to take their mental and physical health more seriously. However, one aspect many seem to have forgotten is their sexual health. There are several risks to your sexual health during the pandemic. For this reason, it is essential to address them.

Maintaining sexual health during the pandemic

Since we are still in the middle of a pandemic, social distancing is crucial to remain healthy. Because of this, it is better to indulge with people who live with you, such as a spouse or live-in partner, as they present the slightest chance of infection. However, if you want to get intimate with someone outside your living space, it is safer to stick to a single person. Also, keep in mind there are other ways to achieve the intimacy that don’t require physical contact, like phone conversations and sexting.

As any health issue such as an STD can make your immune system weak, practicing safe sex is detrimental. Weaker immunity can leave you more vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus and make you catch a severe case of the disease. Therefore, only have safe sex and get regular tests for STDs. If your catch a sexually transmitted disease early enough, you can get treated immediately, thus protecting you from COVID-19.

The link between mental and sexual health

Mental health and sexual health are closely related as mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, and stress can impact your sexual relationships. The pandemic has even worsened this connection. With the fear of contracting COVID-19, many people can start to experience fear of physical contact. Moreover, the stress of the pandemic can cause problems with emotional intimacy and low libido. For this reason, it is vital to pay attention to your mental health by talking to your partners or seeing a therapist.

For many people, this might not be a great time to be pregnant because of the financial constraints they have faced during the pandemic. As such, preventing pregnancy is an essential part of their sexual health. There are many types of contraceptives you can use to avoid pregnancy. Furthermore, some prevent both pregnancy and STD. If you are unsure where to start, consult a specialist to decide which type of contraception is right for you.

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