How To Prevent Acne

Acne occurs when dead skin and oil clog hair follicles. It can affect the face, shoulders, upper back and other parts of the body.

Lifestyle changes to prevent breakouts

Correctly washing your skin can help prevent acne breakouts. It should be done with your hands using a gentle cleanser such as Cetaphil. Using a washcloth can irritate your skin, while soap can be drying and cause even more breakouts. Too much washing could also irritate your skin, so try not to wash more than twice a day.

The products you use on your face should always be alcohol and oil-free. The reason for this is that oily products can clog your skin and cause breakouts. Alcohol products, on the other hand, are drying. For best results, use water-based skin products.

The clothes you wear can makes a difference to your skin. Dermatologists suggest avoiding tight-fitting garments. These will rub against your skin and trap heat and moisture, which can lead to your skin breaking out. Loose-fitting clothes protect your skin from acne. Dermatologists also suggest wearing natural fabric like cotton and silk as these let your skin breathe.

Acne can be made worse by stress, so limit stressful situations if your skin is prone to breakouts. To reduce stress, try exercising. Exercise is known to lift your mood, thus indirectly preventing acne.

You should always keep the items touching your face clean. These include pillowcases, hijabs and phones. Such items carry bacteria that could lead to your skin breaking out. 

The sun can make acne worse, especially if you are on acne medication. Limit sunbathing and apply oil-free sunscreen every day to protect yourself from the sun.

Using medicine to prevent breakouts

You can use acne creams to treat or prevent breakouts. Dermatologists recommend using acne cream product salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide as the active ingredient. 

Other drugs that reduce or prevent acne are oral contraceptives. They can be equally as or even more effective than acne antibiotics. If you are a woman that has already gone through puberty, you could try taking oral contraceptives.

Some dermatologists use therapy might help you get rid of breakouts. This treatment targets acne-causing bacteria. They can also use it to prevent acne.

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